Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How come when things are "the truth" it only works in the speakers favour?

i see so many questions that are the truth when pointing out the flaws or drawbacks of being black, white or whatever the case my be, yet all of them point out the flaw in the "other side" as it were. now in my experience the truth isn't so benign and carries flaws of both sides out where you can get a good strong wiff of them. i guess my main question is how can soo many people walk around thinking their $#!^ smells like chocolate cake? all the time i see white folk coming in with some goofy statistic that black folks are savages who know nothing but crime and black folks doing the same with stats showing how most if not all rapists, murderers or violence for pleasure pinheads in general are white and no one wants to look at the short comings when it concerns them. i know what my race has done i know what it hasn't why is it so hard for others to see?


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